Raindrops: till death do us part 122413

Every morning, an elderly man pushes his frail wife in a wheelchair around our block. I am usually in a hurry, leaving the house for errands, when they walk by. There is usually nothing more than an exchange of warm greetings.

Yesterday, the elderly man stopped and compliment our new car.


“It’s a beautiful new car! I wish I had one!”

After a short second of lighthearted laughter, his next line made my heart stop.

“But I have this [wheelchair] to drive for the rest of my life.”

I am a sucker for all things romantic, cheesy, beautiful, cute, sweet, and corny, but even a misanthrope couldn’t help but feel slightly touched. I feel incredibly lucky to witness such a beautiful relationship. I can’t say that I’m not sad when I think about how many years they have left to love each other, but I have a childish glimmer of hope that there is some reality to the magical, everlasting love that we limit to fairy tales.

I sometimes wonder if a relationship like theirs would ever come my way. Among so many other things that are needed to make a relationship work, there is: patience, the correct timing, reciprocated feelings, the will to sacrifice for the other, and mutual understanding. And this has to be maintained over so many years. However, instead of thinking too much about the long term outcome of my relationships, I think it is better to take each day as they come. Being able to actively love and care for people, to see loved ones for another day, and to receive love, are often small miracles neglected by most until it’s too late. Let’s not wait too long “till death do us part.” ♥

Merry Christmas Eve~

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