Raindrops: disturbed. (Repost from my Tumblr 021611)

disturbed. After just finishing a mini tv series on human trafficking, I’m sick to my stomach and highly disturbed about the whole topic. I haven’t felt this anguished, indignant, frustrated, and powerless in a long time.. though my own feelings are nothing close to the pain and suffering of real victims. I can’t even begin […]

Raindrops: floating across the water~ (Repost from my Tumblr 080810)

(Photo by Michael Warwick) Today, a friend and I planned to stop by the Ninth Annual SF Bay Area Peace Lantern Ceremony at the Berkeley Aquatic Park and have dinner together. On the way there, we missed our designated bus stop. The bus took us all the way to the Berkeley Marina and dropped us […]

Raindrops: Child Abuse

The words “child” and “abuse” should never be put in the same phrase together. Can you really call yourself human if you make a child suffer, whether it is through bruises or emotional trauma? My mother didn’t always have the nicest child-rearing techniques, but at the end of the day, they helped me grow as […]