Raindrops: Child Abuse

The words “child” and “abuse” should never be put in the same phrase together. Can you really call yourself human if you make a child suffer, whether it is through bruises or emotional trauma? My mother didn’t always have the nicest child-rearing techniques, but at the end of the day, they helped me grow as a person. She knew the differences between discipline and outright torture. There’s a fine, fine line that should never be crossed. Children, unexposed to the darkness of the world at birth, should be raised in a loving and encouraging environment. I’ve read too many stories about child being abused and neglected. Some child are locked up in tiny sheds. Some never see the light. Some are malnourished and underweight. What is more sickening is when abused children end up dying from abuse or neglect. Maybe their fate was to save hundreds of lives as a doctors. Maybe their fate was to invent teleportation devices. Or campaign for presidency. But we’ll never know, will we? All we can thank them for is increasing awareness for child abuse and hoping that the story of their tragic lives will save other children before they take their final breaths many years too soon.

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